The job of Lincoln (and probably every) Council Tax Benefit Department is to drive away as many people as possible who might be eligible to pay less Council Tax.  

Brainwashed into seeing cheats everywhere, Lincoln CTB only needs a mirror.  

At Lincoln every claim was "lost" an average 3.5 times.  Here are 30 different versions of the claimant's obligations to report changes of circumstances, which they can use as evidence of your "fraudulence".   

All contradictory of the others, only version 2 is a safe bet, if you don't mind reporting absolutely every financial transaction.  I ended up ringing Lincoln with messages like "Bought sausage roll, there has been a 40p change in my capital."

When they are wrong but they just wear you out, don't pay for the sake of a quiet life.  

That's the whole idea.

Let them put you on the list of thousands against whom Councils regularly obtain orders from the Court.  Then freak them out by appearing at the Court on the hearing date.  Council drones will try to stop you going in if you actually arrive.  They will suddenly seem very reasonable, until the danger is over.  Resist this trick.

Question the witness for the Council about the rules (below) if applicable, or any other inconsistent or incompetent behaviour.  Orders against thousands of households are usually nodded through by Courts without question.  Magistrates are unlikely to have personal experience of the Council Tax Rebate scam.  

Council Tax Benefits cannot be mentioned at Council Tax hearings in case you win.  

Tell the Court whatever you want to say.  The Council is not allowed to lose.  Ignore the decision.  

Don't open the door to bailiffs.  They can't force their way in and they don't really want your stuff anyway, just money.  Most Council Tax demands are too high to be covered by the second-hand value of people's possessions.


Version 1

Amounts which don't affect benefit don't have to be reported.


Version 2

Any change of circumstances must be reported

whether it affects benefit or not



Version 3

Stop reporting absolutely every change of

circumstances or we will call security



Versions 4, 5, 6 and 7

 You must report any amount /

Only amounts over £5 / over £10 / over £100

matter and must be reported



Versions 8-19

Report increases in capital and/or income

but not expenses and/or decreases in capital

/ Selling your camera is/isn't income but

buying it and/or using it is/isn't an expense



Versions 20-24

You must produce full accounts of income and expenses

on demand / weekly / monthly / quarterly / annually



Version 25

As long as you are on "passport benefits" the LA

doesn't care about changes which don't affect benefits



Versions 26, 27 and 28 (Passport Benefits only)

Even if you report changes to the ES or BA

you have to report them to the LA as well

/ for CTB or HB purposes

/ only report them for CTB

/ only report them for HB



Version 29 (De-unemployed only)

Any of the above versions 1-28 may apply

but we don't really know



Version 30

Your demand that we say precisely what we want

(see v29 above) is upsetting to us. And so to make everything

fit you must be a fraud for not doing whichever of

versions 1-29 we now decide applies


Mission over: Another non-Boolean statistical anomaly case successfully closed by Lincoln CTB.